The mentally disturbed, 20 years old mentally Adams Lanza, killed
his mother, and later 20 children and three school officers, at Sandy Hook
Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut. Soon after, he killed himself. The
incident was the second deadliest school shooting in United States history,
while the 2007 Virginia Tech Massacre ranks as the first one. The deadliest
mass murder incident at an American school was the 1927 Bayh School Bombings,
in Michigan.
The hair-raising event shocked all Americans
while creating a cloud of fear, anger, and impotence. President Obama speech shared
his empathy with the American People’s feelings. He shared their feelings and concerns. In his speech, President Obama, used not only his finest speech abilities,
but a great number of Propagandistic devices , which had been used on many other Presidents’ speeches. It was an emotional speech, by which he let
very well established:
1. The Congress has been very slow and had not taken action in reinstate
the Federal Assault Weapon Band ended in 2,004 that Clinton Governed
2. He will take care of the problem in a very speedy and efficient way.
3. He let well define his three prerogatives:
A. Reestablishing a ban on military style assault weapons
B. More thoroughly check on gun buyer backgrounds
C. Restrictive high capacity ammunition clip
The sentence “ It will take commitment and compromise,and most of all it will take
care and courage” was a very explicit one.
The words courage and commitment are key works of this
sentence. They served to announce that
he will dedicate all efforts and works, and at the same time he will fight
against all the opposition he encounters in enforcing his dictum. The word
“compromise” was a word that was not used in his latter actions.
Immediately, President Obama appointed Vice-President Biden to head a
Task Force to hear interested organization’s and people’s advice and opinions.
In truth, Vice-President Biden, did an
excellent job in fulfilling his Boss’ orders, and he went beyond any
expectations. He interviewed more than 200 people and made innumerable phone
calls. On a call with one parent of a victim he spent a full 45 min. One of
those participating in the meeting said that the meetings resembled more a
session of the two Chambers of the
Congress, than a simple meeting to put
together a group of recommendations. Another government official, demanding anonymity,
declared that Vice-president Biden was carefully collecting all data, but in
reality was more interested in the
organizations and people wishing to affect gun control than the information he was
collecting. Obama’s three goals were present each of the meetings. In true, Vice-President Biden did an excellent job in fulfilling his Boss orders, and he went beyond any expectations. He made more than two hundred interviews and innumerable phone calls. On one call with the parents of one of the victim he spent 45 min. One of the participating of the meeting said that the meetings resembling more any sessions of the two Chambers of the Congress, than a simple meeting putting together a group of recommendations. Other government official, demanding anonymity, declared that Vice-president Biden was carefully collecting all data, but he was more interested in the organizations and people very in favor or opposite to gun control than in the information he was collected. President Obama’s three goals were present during each of these meetings.
After Vice-president Biden enthusiastically fulfilled his assignment he gave his recommendations to President Obama. Now, the President had the material on which he would base his recommendations and send them with the diligence he had stated. What was left, was to hurry up the actions of the Congress.
President Obama also acted with a high level of efficiency and enthusiasm to solve a problem he thought was of national urgency. He probably felt very satisfied; finally he was able to peel some skin off of the second amendment of the Constitution. He could also re-enact Clinton’s Restricted ban.
President Obama has been a notorious and vocal pro gun control advocate since entering public life as community organizer, civil rights attorney, representative, 3th District Illinois Senator, and lecturer of constitutional laws at the Chicago University in Chicago. During his first presidential mandate he kept his opinions at bay. Now, the Sandy School massacre crisis was an unique opportunity to initiate the first step to move on his gun control agenda.
Everybody thought the gun control controversy was now in the hands the Congress, but it was not so. Obama fulfilled his promised and he acted quickly, frontally and with “courage”. He would not wait and so immediately issued 23 executive orders. Previous president from both parties have issued executive orders; but this was out of the ordinary. 23 executive orders invades the power of the legislature. Two executive orders were considered unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. One of them was the Supreme Court rule in Immigration and Naturalization Service v. Chadha. It was considerated unconstitutional because President Reagan vetoed a bill without "bicameral passage followed by presentation of a bill to the President”.
President Obama has also now demonstrated that his executive orders are not constitutional. Recently, he already had trouble with the executive order he issued on Jan. 4, 2012. It involved the filling of three appointments of members to the National Labor Relations Board. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C ruled (Jan 25/2013) that Obama executive order was unconstitutional, because the President edict the executive order during other time than the official recess of the Congress, as the Constitution command.
President’s executive orders really inverts the order in which a Bill is transformed into a Law. The Article I of the Constitution rules that after a bill is proposed, it has to be introduced in either the House of Representative or the Senate. Then, it has to be amply discussed by the members of both Congressional Chambers. In this way, the voice of all the 50 States is heard. Then, it comes a reconciliation meeting and the result is the final Bill. During these discussions compromises occur between the majority and minority parties in Congress. That Bill is sent to the President. If he approves the bill it becomes Law. If the bill is vetoed, it goes back to the Congress where it can be only approved only with a veto over-ride of votes.
What President Obama should have done, was to present recommendations to Congress about the presented bills, and not usurp the power of the legislature.
Kesavan and Sidak explains the purpose of the Recommendation clause:"The Recommendation Clause also imposes an executive duty on the President. His recommendations respect the equal dignity of Congress and thus embody the anti-royalty sentiment that ignited the American Revolution and subsequently stripped the trappings of monarchy away from the new chief executive. Through his recommendations to Congress, the President speaks collectively for the People as they petition Government for a redress of grievances, and thus his recommendations embody popular sovereignty. The President tailors his recommendations so that their natural implication is the enactment of new legislation, rather than some other action that Congress might undertake. Finally, the President shall have executive discretion to recommend measures of his choosing.”
Gun control is a great controversy, and divides the American people. This uncovered plan to deal with the second amendment interferes with the Legislative Branch of our government.
The issue is an important
one. The ten Bill of Rights was
thoughtfully written, and passed with great effort. The right to bear arms not only involves the
problem of gun possession for individual protection, it also involves the
protection the American people against a reaching government, even when elected
by the majority of the United States populace.
A far reaching President, who can control or usurp legislative powers,
control a majority in the Supreme Court, and add to his sanctioned executive
powers can change into a despotic government over night. I was very young, but
I watched these changes during the Presidency of Gerardo Machado, one of the
best and most popular leaders of Cuba, during his first term. He was elected to a second term, however the
Great Depression compromised the Cuban economy, and he believed that he needed
omnipotent powers to solve the problem.
He changed the constitution to
make his second term last 6 years, and not 4. He began reprisals against his critics. But he changed into a political dictator who would
not allow the smallest criticism. He
went from being one of Cuba’s most beloved Presidents to one of his most hated
by the end of his second term. In Cuban history, he and Fulgencio Batista were
the two political dictators in Cuba’s history. Fidel later became not only a political
dictator but also a social, economic and somewhat religious one. Fidel changed Cuba from one of the richest and
civilized nations in Latin America to one of the poorest. It has remained under his control, or
recently under his appointed successor’s Raul’s, control, for 50 plus years.
So why did President Obama not push
Congress to act quickly through the force of his speeches and of his bullet
pulpit? Why instead did he want to solve
this quickly, by himself execution orders?
Why did not present his recommendations instead of issuing executive
orders? I have arrived to my own conclusions after reading many articles about
Mr. Obama as a community organizer, later as a representative and Senator from Chicago, and finally as Obama
as the President of the United States?
Obama is probably an incipient autocrat, that
may or not may develop into an
autocratic-despot. Some hints: Obama
House of Representative passed the Obamacare behind closed doors; not asking
the opinion of the Republican minority. And, the Obamacare is in reality a
socialist measure that allows the government to punch the United States
constitution. Also his 23 executive
orders reflect what he already wanted the task force to pass. Gun control is
not only hallmark of autocratic governments, but it is one of the first thing many
of these governments do. Machado and Batista did not impose gun control. Castro’s governmemt did. During one of his speeches Castro said, “Armas, para que? (Guns for what?). Interestingly this was when his “peace dove”
landed on his shoulder. His government collected all the guns in citizen’s hands
in Cuba. Removing citizens guns was one of the factors which turned Cuban’s
into in defenseless sheep in a secured island pen.
2. Obama took advantages of
the Crisis the Sandy School Massacre offered him. Rahm Emmanuel was the President Obama Chief
of Staff until the Election of 2010. He was the author of the memorable quote, “You
never let a serious crisis
go to waste. And what I mean by
that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before”. President Obama follows this thoughtful
advice. He thought the problem of gun
control would result in loss of his
political capital, so, during his first term he concentrated on Obamacare, the stimulus and other agendas
during his first term. The Sandy School
massacre, was the crisis he was waiting for, it was his time to advance gun control wih almost no
loss of his political cost. As a
president, President Obama wants to advance his wishes and ideal and those of
the majority of people that voted for him, but needed to be cognizant that you
catch more flies with honey, and that as President he could not say, “My way,
or the highway.”
3. Obama
counts on his popularity and on the support of majority our national media
outlets: tv
channels, newspapers, even the common smarmy swipe of a sit com. And finally, a political machine so effective
and so large that it is considered. the most potent
in the political history of this country . Above all, he counts 0n the powerful force of his speeches, and the advantage
of being President of the United States.
President Obama is a savvy politician. Through his efforts he was able to save his
political majority during the past election. He was
able to pass Obama care, stimulus package, and to spend uncontrolled deficits. These
three things allowed him to advance his progressive political agenda, although
he lost he eventually lost control of the House or Representatives. He also
chanced upon a very savvy new tactic. He
helps insure that Democratic senators and representatives do not vote against
bills that are unpopular in their red states. Republicans present bills in
Congress, but his henchman, Harry Reid does not bring them to the floor in the
Senate. Then Obama acts as if he were
Senator Reid, and he and not Reid, speaks to Speaker Boehner. In effect he bypasses reconciliation, and
bypasses the legislature compromising.
His encounters with the less savvy Boehner end in him making the Speaker
out as the non-compromising guilty one, when Obama makes not compromise on his
end. He also amazingly enough, gets the press to agree with him that somehow,
ex-President Bush is still the culpable party. Newt Gingrich, recently declared that when he
was Speaker of the house, because of the respect the constitution demands
toward the President, that it subsequently made him look like one subordinated
to his President’s ideas. He also
indicated that is what was happening during the President’s meetings with
As a result, President Obama
issued the executive orders as a very savvy politician. Republicans also need to become savvy and create their own plan of actions
as a counter measure and stick together; or else these changes could easily lead to the President
becoming an incipient autocrat.